Quck! We need as many comps of drifting cars ripping through a city that you can come up with in the next few hours!
Finished game cover art by Cinco Design
Years ago I tried to pitch a local Kaizen sushi conveyer restaurant into making a commercial in the style of those over the top Japanese game shows. I imagined filming restaurant goers interacting with a giant floating California Roll who promised msg free blessings and then there was this part where floating mermaids were projected on a screen behind an actor's head so as if appear to be whispering piscine pleasantries in his ear. It was very fast paced and just right of incoherent, but it was full of energy. This is a genius idea, but it gets better. I imagined that their restaurant had a mascot in the form of an adventurous Tomago Roll (That's the one that is made from sweetened scrambled eggs). Our Tomago hero flys to a planet populated by shape shifting rice. His space ship is a flying saucer made from a conveyer plate with a plastic lid. He learns much from the rice beings about all of the wonderful foodstuffs that combine perfectly with their kind, Ultimately he transcends this plane to become an animist deity and a line of children's toys. The ONLY problem is that I'm a terrible pitch man and they didn't buy it, so this is all you'll ever see of the greatest cross cultural commercial/product juggernaut never made.